Case Study 8
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Pollution (HMIP)
HMIP wished to create a shift of emphasis away from functional teams, specialising in different types of pollution, to geographical teams covering all specialities in a specific geography.These new teams comprised of 8 to 10 very experienced people typically aged 55 to 65. There were approximately 35 teams in all. The need was to get these new teams ‘up to speed quickly’. Clear alignment of objectives, good working relationships, capitalising on synergies across geographies and adopting straightforward processes were some of the objectives of this intervention.

DDA Consulting designed and delivered a 3 ½ day team workshop for each of the 35 teams over a period of approximately 20 weeks. The workshop was designed to be a mix of experiential projects and reviews, objective-setting activities, problem-solving sessions on real issues and planning activities.Preparation beforehand with each team leader and significant follow-through discussions/reviews with most teams, the workshop was designed to be a launch event for the new teams. The team leader and team members took decisions on what the team was going to achieve and how.

Each event provided the opportunity and environment to expose and resolve some significant conflicts between team members of various disciplines. Team members were able to see the value added by other team members.Reports from all team leaders and internal evaluations provided a significant number of positive examples from all teams participating in the intervention.