Case Study 12
Experiential Programme Design - Ashridge Business School
Ashridge is one of the world’s leading business schools and leading provider of tailored executive education. Ashridge Experiential Learning is the faculty that provides the professional expertise and practical projects and business simulations that add significant value to their Flagship Leadership Programmes.Ashridge were looking for an organisation with expertise in experiential learning design and delivery. Specifically they needed a portfolio of practical projects and business simulations, together with the associated training in their use for Ashridge consultants.

DDA Consulting provided a suite of practical challenges, projects and business simulations together with training for the consultants involved in the delivery of these activities.We co-facilitated the initial use of these activities to coach and support the consultants involved.
In addition to the activities themselves, the associated practical materials and equipment and delegate briefs, we also provided trainer manuals for each project. These manuals included alternative versions of the activities to address a range of different training goals. They also included a range of different review processes to be used in different situations with different size groups.

We are delighted to report that DDA Consulting International experiential activities have been in regular and frequent use, in Ashridge, over the last 15 years. Course assessment and evaluation reports consistently identify the DDA Consulting projects and simulations as the highpoints of the programmes. Feedback from delegates consistently cite the high impact of learning, the relevance to work and the commitment to apply the associated learning back to work, as the significant benefit from these projects.