Case Study 1
Management Training Programmes - BMW (UK)
Following his appointment the new Managing Director at BMW (GB), working closely with his leadership team, agreed a comprehensive and very challenging set of objectives over the following one to three years. These included very ambitious revenue targets based on increasing new car sales by approximately eight times the target he inherited.If these targets were to be achieved a significant change was needed to the attitudes and behaviours of managers and individual contributors. The company had been very successful, but lacked drive and ambition.

Over the following two years DDA Consulting worked closely with the MD and the leadership team as well as other managers and key staff to improve leadership skills and gradually develop the culture to be more challenging, inclusive and ambitious.We helped facilitate the creation of a new set of competences and values that formed the basis of a 360 degree feedback profile. This became one key element within a modular Leadership and Management programme delivered by DDA Consulting and attended by all managers in the organisation, including the MD.
The approach included a significant experiential content that provided a series of high impact activities making clear links back to work.
Training to improve skills in managing performance, also designed and delivered by DDA Consulting, contributed to the performance improvement initiative.
DDA Consulting also supported the development of some of BMWs key dealerships, helping them achieve major improvements in customer service.

An internal evaluation carried out by BMW training specialists showed significant changes in attitude and skills.Specific results included:
- The ambitious target for new cars in the first year was exceeded
- Targets for used cars and customer service also achieved
- One of most profitable dealerships moved from 150th to 48th in the independent customer services index
- Average staff turnover in following two years was 1.4%
- Significant increase in revenue, profits also increased
- New communications processes established using video links between HQ and all dealerships –regular Q&A sessions on video